July 2021

This month on our website http://mhsn1972.com  we’ve added pictures from our 40th Reunion in 2012 and 45th in 2017. We’re sure you’ll enjoy seeing pictures of Wilma Dustin Harding and her husband Charlie who provided impromptu guitar music at the 40th while some of us spontaneously danced.  Or, examine the pictures taken in costume on…

June 2021

On our website http://mhsn1972.com we’ve now added pictures from the 100th Anniversary of the Moncton Hospital School of Nursing in 2006 and our 35 Year Reunion in 2007. Several of our classmates were fortunate enough to attend the 100th Anniversary of MHSN in 2006. It was pretty inspiring to revisit the history of our school and…

May 2021

May 2021 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 9 We’re now 13 months away from our 50th Reunion! Over the upcoming months we’ll be posting memorabilia from various reunions and specifics regarding our 50th reunion. Please pay close attention to any cut-off dates we include as they relate directly to a successful reunion.Classmates at our…

April 2021

April 2021 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 8 For our March Pandemic Madness Event we received 29 masked pictures and raised $145.00 for Moncton’s Humanity Project https://thehumanityproject.ca.   Thanks to everyone who participated!  We’ll have all of those pictures available at our reunion reception in a slide presentation. They will not be posted on…

March 2021

March 2021 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 7 March was celebrated as “March Storm” while we were at MHSN. In first year we raised money for Muscular Dystrophy by participating in a Rock-a-Thon, doing bottle drives, and hosting a “hire a student nurse day”. In second year we raised money for Rheumatoid Arthritis by…

February 2021

February 2021 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 6 Last month we reminded you about our first paycheque. This month we take you to February 1971 when we had our “Half-way” party at Ming Gardens. You’ll find some pictures of that in the 2nd Year Memorabilia on our website mhsn1972.com.  Who remembers the song we…

January 2021

January 2021 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 5 For our 5th Walk Down Memory Lane we’re revisiting our first pay as student nurses that we received on January 31, 1970. Our gross pay was $4.00 and when we “Googled” to see what this would translate to in 2021 it would be $26.83. On a close…


Initiation Class of 1972 Bring an all-day sucker Make and wear a dunce hat tied to your head Wear a sign on your forehead with “I’m a Probie” plus your name Hospital towel for a diaper 2 bras, 1 front, 1 back with 4 bows Nylon forming tail on the back of diaper One nylon…

December 2020

December 2020 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 4 For our 4th Walk Down Memory Lane we’ve attached the 1969 MHSN Christmas card and reproduced the inside below. We believe G. Doucette was a third-year student in 1969. Again it comes the time for cheer, Goodwill and song upon the earth, Soon, midnight bells, will ring…