January 2021 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 5
For our 5th Walk Down Memory Lane we’re revisiting our first pay as student nurses that we received on January 31, 1970. Our gross pay was $4.00 and when we “Googled” to see what this would translate to in 2021 it would be $26.83.
On a close look at the cheque stub, we found that $25.00 was calculated for room ($167.67 in 2021) and $43.00 for meals ($291.86 in 2021). So our overall compensation was $72.00/month ($488.69 in 2021). We’re pretty happy we don’t have to live on that kind of monthly income these days and equally happy that we were treated so well as nursing students! Pay increased to $6.00/month for the remainder of 1st year and $8.00/month in 2nd with a big leap to $90.00/month in third year when we moved out of residence.
Does anyone have any memories of what they spent their first paycheque on? A package of cigarettes at that time cost between $0.40 and $0.45. We couldn’t find the price of other probable purchases such as deodorant, pantyhose and tampons or, most likely, an outing to Hynes Restaurant.
We’ve just launched our website http://mhsn1972.com/. As of today you will find pre-admission information such as Mrs. Wright’s acceptance letter and a letter from one “Big Sister”. You’ll also find “First Year” memorabilia including a copy of that first paycheque, a sample clinical rotation and pictures from our life in residence, our Rock-a-Thon etc. Memorabilia from second and third year as well as our previous reunions will be added over time. Please send any photos or other memorabilia you wish us to add to the site.
Keep checking the site for news updates and further details about the venue, reunion program, registration etc. On the website you can also find the members of Reunion Committee’s graduation photos which can you can “magically” change to see more current ones. We hope you have as much fun reminiscing about our years at MHSN as we have had putting those memories together.
Please remember that June 2021 is the date to send us a recent picture and information about what you have done since graduating from MHSN. In our December email we attached Geraldine Norman’s submission as a sample to get you started. It would be especially nice to have updates from those classmates unable to attend.
Finally, you’ll notice a new name has been added to our Reunion Planning Committee. Phyllis Caron Porter has joined us and will be assisting with hotel planning and arrangements. Thank you, Phyllis!
MHSN Class of 1972 50th Reunion Planning Committee: Joanne Albert Belliveau,
Marlene Myers Hill, Joanne Logan Simpson, Gail Blair Storr and Phyllis Caron Porter.