On our website http://mhsn1972.com we’ve now added pictures from the 100th Anniversary of the Moncton Hospital School of Nursing in 2006 and our 35 Year Reunion in 2007. Several of our classmates were fortunate enough to attend the 100th Anniversary of MHSN in 2006. It was pretty inspiring to revisit the history of our school and to see the role many MHSN Alumnae, several of whom we met when we were students, play now as leaders in the Alumnae and at the Hospital. Our 35th Reunion was at Memramcook Institute. We had an activity filled time visiting a winery, the Monument Lefebvre Historic site and indulging in massages, pedicures and a few beverages! We also added a picture to first year memorabilia, that was on the front page of the then Moncton Transcript, of students in our new white uniforms. Check it out and see if you recognize them.
The Classes of 1970 and 1971 had to cancel their 50 Year Reunions because of Covid-19. They are now planning their reunions for 2022. Classes who celebrate their 50th Reunion are special guests at the MHSN Lobster Dinner. What a great opportunity having three simultaneous 50-year reunions will be for us to catch up with long lost big sisters and upper classes. Of course we think our class will have the best reunion. We know we are the only class with a website! We also have our MHSN souvenir bags, pens, small spiral notepads and lanyards ready as you can see from the pictures.
You may recall we solicited suggestions for activities for our reunion and received several which we’ve included in the form below. As we noted above, other classes are holding 50th reunion events that same week-end may be interested in several similar events. We want to get our requests in first! Before we decide which events we can incorporate, and when, during the week-end we need to know the level of interest for various activities. Four of the proposed activities will involve additional individual costs (indicated by $) and we can’t plan for those without specific numbers. Our thinking is that we need at least 10 people for an activity to make organizing feasible. We are requesting this information no later than June 15, 2021
We are planning on a Reception Saturday June 11th (including a slide presentation, some singing and skits) and a Reunion Banquet Sunday June 12th (including a memorial service, a second slide presentation, some singing and possibly more skits). Neither the reception or the banquet will contain any seafood because of known serious seafood allergies of at least one of our classmates.
We’re all pretty excited about our reunion and are aiming to have as much done as possible well in advance. We know that there will be little things that crop up in the last months/weeks before the reunion but by having as much done up front as we can then we too can relax and enjoy a fun filled and memorable 50th reunion. Our plan is to have our Registration Form to send in October with early Registration November 22, 2021 and late Registration February 2, 2022
MHSN Class of 1972 50th Reunion Planning Committee: Joanne Albert Belliveau,
Marlene Myers Hill, Joanne Logan Simpson, Gail Blair Storr and Phyllis Caron Porter.