Second Year 1970-1971

The changes we experienced in second year included: classmates from the Annex joining fellow classmates in Anne Street and West Lane Residences, as well as the beginning of our “speciality” rotations.  We also, enjoyed our status as students “who were no longer juniors not seniors yet” as we loudly proclaimed in the MHSN 2nd year anthem. We’ve updated the anthem for our 50th Reunion and hope you bring your singing voices with you.

2nd Year Anthem

Previous classes re-wrote the lyrics to “Hey Look us Over” for second year students.
That version and a new version for our 50
th Reunion are below

Hey Look us Over 2nd Year Version


Hey look us over, lend us an ear

We’ve been in nursing for over a year

No longer juniors, not seniors yet

We’re right in the middle of everything

We’re intermediates

And, so it’s off to the OPR, 6th and OPD

No more pharm no more anatomy

And its OBS, Psychiatry, GYN and nursery

We have two years to complete and then it’s over …


Composed by Previous MHSN Classes

50-year Reunion Version

Hey look us over, lend us an ear

We’ve been out of nursing for 50 years

No longer students, we’re all getting old

We’re celebrating 50 years 

We’re all Alumnae now

And so, here we are to party old MHSN friends 

No dancing now without our “Depends”

And with aches, and pains and hot flashes

We’re ready to celebrate! 

So, look out Moncton here we come!

Original song
Hey Look us Over by Carolyn Leigh & Cy Coleman

Adapted for 1972 MHSN 50th Reunion by Gail Blair Storr


Half-way Party

Mrs. Forsythe’s Away & Students Play