First Year 1969-1979

On September 15, 1969 the Class of 1972 met for the first time. Little did we know back then the close friendships we would form.
We not only were together in residence and in the classroom but also in our various clinical rotations. We’ve included a sample first year rotation and many other memories in this section. We hope you enjoy re-visiting 1969-1970!

1st Year Memories


Initiation was one of our first activities as student nurses. We were told to:

  1. Bring an all day sucker
  2. Make and wear a dunce hat tied to your head
  3. Wear a sign on your forehead with “I’m a Probie” plus your nam
  4. Hospital towel for a diaper
  5. 2 bras – 1 front and 1 back with 4 bows
  6.  Nylon forming a tail on the back of diaper
  7. One nylon rolled down, one bobby sock
  8. one sneaker, one dress shoe
  9. Flower painted on each knee
  10. Black ring around left eye
  11. Red dot on nose
  12. Red lipstick on top lip only
  13. Eye shadow on right eye
  14. Scarf around neck for a blindfold
Probies Present for Inspection

Low Pay and Clinical - the Life of a First Year Student

For the series of pictures that follow please click  on the open square at the bottom to enlarge the pictures



First Year Students raised money for Muscular Dystrophy by participating in a Rock-a-thon. Miss Hayes Visited a group of eager students. School through the pictures below. 

Residence Life

In 1969 the West Lane Nurses’ Residence was unable to accommodate the 86 students who were in our class. The majority of students were housed in The Annex and Anne Street Residences with a small number joining upper year students in West Lane.

Rules for Guidance

We had many rules to guide our behaviour both in residence and in clinical practice. An example of the over night permit we had to complete for absence from residence is shown below. Following that is a list of the rules we were given. 

The rules shown below were recreated from a hand-out provided to the class and reviewed by Mrs. Wright on September 16, 1969. Just imagine the reaction of 17 & 18 year olds being given this list today!


Students are required to report to their Floors at –           

                      7:30 a.m. for Morning Prayer

                      3:30 p.m. for Afternoon Prayer

                      11:30p.m. for Night Duty

Nurses on Afternoon assignment must proceed directly to their room as soon as they leave the hospital.


Nurses are expected to make their bed and tidy their room before going on duty.

Students are permitted radios, T.V. etc. in their rooms but are expected to used discretion in their use. Keep them tuned low and do not leave them on when not in room. Do not allow them to interfere with study periods.

Drapes should be opened in the morning when the rooms are vacant. Drapes must be drawn when lights are on.

Be considerate of others. Groups living together must learn to co-operate and be respectful of each other. Avoid  loud laughter and unnecessary noise that might be disturbing.

 Bath tubs and basins must be left clean after use.

 Room inspection will be made at intervals and one of the privileges will be forfeited if rooms are untidy.


Nurses are advised not to keep sums of money or valuables in their rooms. The hospital assumes no responsibility for any losses sustained. Doors are to be locked at all times.


Nurses must not smoke in their rooms but in lounges provided.


Bed Linen is issued on Thursdays. Beds are to be changed promptly.

Each nurse is responsible for her own laundry, to be ready each Monday before 7:30 a.m. with slips completed, two to accompany laundry bag and one for return checking.


Nurses must not wear their hospital uniform, shoes or stocking outside of hospital grounds. The Nurses’ uniform is to be worn completely and immaculately at all times. Uniforms are to be kept in good repair.

Uniforms are to be protected with a light coat or cape if going on parade

Slacks are not to be worn to and from work when living at home. This is permissible only on very stormy days in the winter-time.


Student nurses must be properly dressed in a housecoat when appearing outside their rooms.


The living rooms are for your use and use of your visitors. Nurses must be properly dressed in street clothes or complete uniform when in living rooms. Visitors must leave by 11: p.m. Students nurses are not permitted to take their relatives or friends to their rooms without permission from the housemother.


The Moncton Daily paper is provided for your use. After reading it please return same to lounge so that others might enjoy it.

The Saint John paper and magazines will be found in the Library. A few copies serve many, please leave them in the library so many may enjoy them.


Student nurses are not permitted to receive friends or relatives while on duty. Personal telephone calls must not be answered while on duty, nor made from hospital phones. Long Distance Calls must be made on the Pay Telephone only, so the bill does not appear on the hospital telephone bill. Do not hold long conversations on the telephone. Others may be waiting for the line. Phone calls are limited to five (5) minutes. HOUSEMOTHERS WILL INTERRUPT CALLS WHEN PROLONGED.


The Kitchenette must be tidy. It is not to be used after 11:30 p.m. Each student will provide her own mug. Empty soft drink bottles must be returned to the rack provided for them. DO NOT leave soft drink bottles in classrooms or library.


In case of illness – report to the School of Nursing Office immediately on arrival at the office, or if you feel too ill to go on duty report by telephone. Have housemother or another student report for you if too ill to go to phone. Be sure to report ALL ILLNESSES, and unless absolutely impossible, report them in the morning while members of the medical staff are in the hospital.

ALL students have the privilege of selecting their own physician. They will not seek medical aid or medications without advising the School of Nursing Office.


Nurses who are ill will be cared for. You will have an annual physical examination with chest x-ray, urinalysis and hemoglobin, and more if necessary.


 Student Nurses will be in Residence:

        First year students,      Sep-May               11:30 p.m.

         “      “           “                  June-Sept            12: Midnight

        Second and Third Year                              12: Midnight


         Monthly Privileges to students may be had as follows:

                              First Year        –           6 each month

                              Second Year   –           7 each month

                              Third Year      –           8 each month

Privileges may be used as a late leave until 1: a.m. No more than two may be used in in one week and not until two days after returning from sick leave. Upon returning from a late leave – students will complete a late leave form which is located in the Housemother’s Office.

Special leave will be granted on certain occasions not to exceed one per month. Permission for same will be obtained from the Director of Nursing, or in her absence, her deputy. One late leave pass is to be completed upon  return to Residence.


Privileges may also be used for sleep outs and may be taken before days off. Students may stay overnight only in their own homes or homes of relatives and friends of whom their families approve. If not sleeping at home, a letter of permission from the parents must be submitted to the Director of Nursing.

Students will register in the sleep out book, stating the address and telephone number of the residence where they intend to stay. A sleep out card will also be started before leaving the residence and completed upon return to same. Those living in the city will return to the residence before the hour set to be in.


First year students will be restricted to: – Two sleep outs during each month while engaged in a block of studies.

Second and Third year students will not be included in this ruling.

Late Leaves will not be taken on the evening before class days.

Penalty for overstaying late leaves –

                   Late 5 Minutes                  –           forfeit 1 late leave

                   Late 10 Minutes                –           forfeit 2 late leaves

                   Late more than 10             –           student will report to the Director

Call the Residence if some problem arises that it is impossible to get in at the required time.

Three weeks vacation and one week of statutory holidays are enjoyed each year.

If a student is ill during her vacation, she is asked to report same upon return to the school to the Health Nurse.


There is to be no loitering on front step before required hour to be in. Have your friends in and use Reception Room


In order that any student nurse of The Moncton Hospital be married before the completion of her course, she shall submit to the Director of Nursing, in writing, of both parents of each of the contracting parties. The Director of Nursing must then give her decision, which is final.


In the event that any student nurse marries without consent of parents and without notifying the Director of Nursing, she shall summarily be dismissed from the School.

Pregnancy without marriage during training will result in immediate dismissal.


Drinking of alcoholic beverages in residence will not be tolerated.


Students who have the following day off may go to the Lounge to watch television to watch television – for example- the volume must be controlled so as not to disturb sleeping students.


Respect and good manners must be shown to all individuals at all times, including Medical Staff, Nursing Staff, Housekeeping Staff, etc. in effect all people with whom you communicate or come in contact.


Bedroom walls are not to be defaced by putting nails, tacks or scotch tape of any description on them.


Lights, furnishings, or bed clothing must not be moved from one room to another.


Nurses must sleep in own bed.


Student nurses are not to witness legal documents of any kind.


Nurses are to read carefully and observe all notices on the Bulletin Boards.


Students may not go to the Cafeteria or visit the hospital at any time in slacks.

Students must dress completely in uniform or completely in street clothes before entering hospital for meals or for visiting.

Nurses wishing to visit relatives or friends who are patients in the hospital shall obtain a special permit from the School of Nursing Office, or may go in regular visiting hours when not on duty, after calling at Information Desk for a visiting card.


We ask you to report to the housemother anything which is not in order.