December 2020 MHSN Walk Down Memory Lane # 4
For our 4th Walk Down Memory Lane we’ve attached the 1969 MHSN Christmas card and reproduced the inside below. We believe G. Doucette was a third-year student in 1969.
Again it comes the time for cheer,
Goodwill and song upon the earth,
Soon, midnight bells, will ring so clear;
Rejoicing at the tender birth.
And on this night, will be, a star
So high upon the tree.
As “Ladies of the Lamp”, we are –
We give a special wish, to thee.
G. Doucette
We’re now 17 months from our reunion in June 2022. Our website will go live in January 2021. In the meantime go and have a look at it as the names of classmates in our first-year class picture are on the front page now.
We have started a slide show containing information about what our classmates have done in the past 50 years. We need your information by June 2021 so that our amateur “producer” can add music we all love to go with the presentation. Earlier submissions always welcome!
We are requesting that everyone (ESPECIALLY those unable to attend) send us a current photograph (Jpeg or png format) If you don’t have computer access for digital photos, send a hard copy of your photo to Gail Blair Storr (163 Eglinton Street, Fredericton N.B. E3B 2V9) and we will digitize it. All hard copies will be returned once digitized.
We would like you to include a short commentary including the following information, if you wish:
- Something about your spouse/partner and number of children and/or grandchildren (pets count for those who wish to include),
- Employment and/or education pursuits since graduation,
- Hobbies, travel or anything else you wish your classmates to know
Geraldine Norman has kindly given us permission to use her submission as a sample to help classmates get started. The image below shows what the finished product will look like. Thank you, Gerry
We also have news to lift your Christmas spirits and hopefully energize you for the reunion. We have been told that, as 50-year celebrants, it is tradition that individual meals of 50th class celebrants are paid for by the Alumnae for the lobster supper on Monday June 13th.
Merry Christmas from all of us!
MHSN Class of 1972 50th Reunion Planning Committee: Joanne Albert Belliveau,
Marlene Myers Hill Joanne Logan Simpson and Gail Blair Storr