May 2022 Reunion Update
In July 2020 we began meeting as a Reunion Committee to begin planning for our reunion. While Covid-19 in 2020 and the emergence of variants in 2021 and early 2022 were unnerving times, they provided members of the Reunion Committee many hours of enjoyment and laughter during our Zoom meetings. Thankfully none of these were recorded! After learning how to: use Doodle Scheduling, participate in Zoom meetings, add music to slide presentations, and design form fillable documents we are all a little more tech savvy now than we were in July 2020!
Our website launched January 2021 and has been updated monthly. Gail’s daughter designed and maintained the website in the midst of the first phase of the pandemic in her spare time from paid employment, while raising an active 6-year-old, and intermittently coping with online schooling when Quebec’s covid numbers were high.
This is the final class email before the reunion and we’ve had too much fun planning the reunion to call it work. It was made all the more enjoyable because of our classmates’ positive reaction to our efforts. We thought it might be fun to give you some of the numbers involved in planning
Reunion Emails
The total number of reunion specific emails exchanged is 2972. We all fully expect to have withdrawal symptoms after the reunion! The breakdown of reunion related emails is as follows
- 35 Class emails Sent
- 1016 Responses from classmates re class emails and replies to those responses
- 1449 Committee emails and replies
- 472 Miscellaneous emails e. registration, tee shirts, volunteers and logistics
Committee Meetings
- 12 Zoom Meetings
- 1 Face-to-face Meeting September 15, 2021 (exactly 52 years after we were all first greeted by Mrs. Wright at West Lane Residence September 15, 1969)
Class Participation
- 29 Pictures received for March 2021 Mask Pandemic Madness Challenge raising $145.00 for Moncton Humanity Project
- $1050.00 raised for oncology donation (including a very generous $500.00 anonymous donation from one of our classmates).
- 306 Pictures submitted by 14 classmates used in Slide Presentation “Beyond Our Black Bands”
- 44 Updates and photo from classmates for “Nursing Narratives Post 1972”
- 1 response September Quiz
- 2 responses February Quiz
- 9 responses March Visualization – “what advice would you give your 18-year-old self?”
- 16 responses April Visualization – “if you hadn’t entered nursing what would you have done?”
- 26 Classmates Ordered MHSN Reunion Shirts
- 31 Classmates Registered for Reunion and
- BEST OF ALL 1 Month Until We Meet for our Reunion.
MHSN Class of 1972 50th Reunion Planning Committee: Joanne Albert Belliveau,
Marlene Myers Hill, Joanne Logan Simpson, Gail Blair Storr and Phyllis Caron Porter.