April Special Update
Registration for our reunion closed March 31st and we currently have 29 classmates registered.
As we told you in our March special update, our Saturday June 11th Reunion plans remain unchanged. Reunion registration is in the main lobby of the hotel begins at 5:00 pm and our reception begins at 7:00 pm. At the reception we’ll be having a musical video presentation titled “Beyond our Black Bands”, skits, group singing and presentation of certificates. We also will have a buffet of finger foods, wine & soft drinks.
Sunday June 12th Reunion plans are modified and will include:
- Early am Group walk
- 10:00 am Presentation The 2022 Moncton Hospital – The Parkhouse Room
- Marilyn Babineau (Class of 1974) will do a photo/power-point tour of the hospital
- Possible presentation of cheque to Friends of the Moncton Hospital for Oncology Unit
- 11:00 -12:00 Noon Coffee, Conversation & Cookies: Training Trivia, Reunion Recollections and Covid Cornucopia Conversation Starter -Geraldine Norman – The Parkhouse Room or Poolside Weather Permitting
- Over the course of planning for the reunion we’ve discovered that there is a treasure trove of stories our classmates have to tell. Come prepared to tell, listen to and laugh about memorable moments: from our three years in training, recollections from previous reunions, fun/challenges of living the last 2 years with the Covid Pandemic or any other tales you think might be of interest. PLEASE LET GAIL KNOW BY APRIL 30th if you will attend the CC&C
- 12:00-2:00 LUNCH ON YOUR OWN
- 2:00-4:00 pm Wine Tasting –The Parkhouse Room
- Given the uncertainty facing us with the Magnetic Hill Wine tasting and our conscious decision to establish a bit of a bubble at Rodd’s, the organizing committee has decided to combine the two and have a more personal and fun tasting at Rodd’s
- To make it personal, 4 or 5 classmates would present one of their favourite “go to” wines. Tasting glasses of 1 ounce size would be provided making one bottle per presentation quite sufficient. The fun part would be sharing with everyone why this is a “go to” wine, how was it discovered, when is it most enjoyed, how’s value for the cost, etc.
- While it would not be Magnetic Hill, it would be on site and require no driving! Needless to say, your committee likes the idea (having had wine at a few of our zoom meetings) . How about it who will volunteer to bring their favourite wine and tell us about it? I you are not presenting a wine but wish to attend please let please let Joann Simpson Logan KNOW BY APRIL 30TH. Her email is jsimp0901@aol.com. The cost to attend the wine tasting will be $5.00 payable at registration desk. Feel free to donate more than $5.00 if you wish.
- 6:00-10:00 pm Sit down Dinner
- Includes Rose & Candle Memorial Ceremony, Video with Music titled “Nursing Narratives Post 1972” and Group Singing.
Dates to Remember
April 30, 2022
Notify us if you wish to be a Reunion Buddy or if you wish to have a Reunion Buddy, Plans for Attending CC&C, and Wine Tasting
May 11, 2022
Deadline for Hotel Registration – Call Rodd Hotels & Resorts Toll Free Reservations at 1-800-565-RODD (7633). Advise you wish to book a room under the room block for “Moncton Hospital 50TH Nurses Reunion”.
June 11-13, 2022
Reunion Dates
MHSN Class of 1972 50th Reunion Planning Committee: Joanne Albert Belliveau,
Marlene Myers Hill, Joanne Logan Simpson, Gail Blair Storr and Phyllis Caron Porter.