The All Class Reunion was an opportunity to for us to see alumnae from many years. What an exciting week-end it was with alumnae from 1946-1975 in attendance. We even had video greetings from an alumnus who is 102 years old! The organizers of the reunion did an amazing job planning such a complex gathering. Below you’ll see a description of the weekend which was sent to all the members on the reunion organizing committees.
There wasn’t a place in the hotel where one could go and not be enchanted with the sounds of LAUGHTER from graduates from so many different eras in nursing. You didn’t have to be personally known to each other to share in the LAUGHTER; the commonality of classroom, clinical, and residence experiences brought us all close together despite the difference in our ages
I wonder if the hotel has yet recovered from how LOUD and proud, we were in celebrating our legacy. How joyous those LOUD sounds were emanating from the ballroom to the corridors to the restaurants!
Has anyone ever attended a more meaningful CHURCH service? Pat Ritchie, Claire Hachey and Phyllis Porter led the church committee with unparalleled excellence. The sermon, the music, and the readings connected us all in such meaningful ways.
Everything about the reunion was so AUTHENTIC to our values as ALUMNAE of the MHTS and MHSN. Bravo to all who worked so hard to ensure that our nursing legacy was front and centre of the entire weekend.
As one of the Alumnae who is somewhat SHAKY in terms of mobility, I especially appreciated the thoughtfulness of having the “younger alumnae” assist us with the buffet. It made the fact that I walk with a cane something that I did not have to worry or feel embarrassed about as my individual needs were attended to. Special thanks to Joan Peddle whom I had never met but who made me feel so very relaxed as she assisted me.
I had always known that my MHSN education was a SIGNIFICANT factor in my success in the nursing profession. The All Class Reunion was a way to really celebrate and venerate those nursing educators and head nurses who were so important in creating a solid foundation of professionalism. |
The entire weekend was so REJUVENATING. I feel mentally at least 25 years younger following all the wonderful events and conversations I experienced this past weekend!
You could see throughout the weekend how each of us became ENERGIZED and increasingly ENTHUSIASTIC as we experienced all that had been planned for our celebration.
From the comments I heard throughout the weekend it was UNANIMOUS that the reunion was characterized by ULTRA organization. I was particularly impressed with how smoothly the registration process was on arrival. Who knew cans of soup could play such an important role in keeping name tags readily accessible?
The reunion helped us all to celebrate the NOBLE profession of NURSING and to recall with a thankful heart the NURSES both who went before us and came after us to model what it means to be a graduate of the MHTS and MHSN.
The ICONIC IMAGERY of the various student uniforms, our cap, and the cape that were on display brought back my feelings of pride and joy I had first experienced when I first entered MHSN in 1969. What a joy to experience those feelings again!
There is simply no better word than OUTSTANDING to describe the entire weekend. What a demonstration of how MHTS and MHSN graduates have played an OUTSIZED role in health care and how OPENHEARTED our collective three years as students made us as we went out into the world.
There are too many NOTABLE events of the reunion to single out just one as my favourite but I must admit I had “warm fuzzies” as I read one of the “notes” posted in the lounge – that Dr. Allanach was travelling to Shediac and had room for four students who wished to go to the Cottage.